Warm up

Some people shrug warm ups off or do them half heartedly as undesirable foreplay to “real” exercise, but the truth is that warming up before effort is a great idea if you want to stay whole. Not only does it help with long term injury prevention, but it also prepares the body for movement, which gives you better performance during – and more benefit from – the actual exercise. Continue reading Warm up

On Cardio

First off, a disclaimer. Cardiovascular – or cardio – health is important. Your heart and lungs keep you alive. Nothing that follows below should be taken as a suggestion that you should not do your level best to look after it.

Secondly, an admission. I haven’t been doing any cardio training in the last year or so, having focused mainly on strength building instead. In case you haven’t read our previous article on training, exercise, and play, that doesn’t mean I didn’t do a damn about it. It means I didn’t specifically work on it in order to improve it. Continue reading On Cardio