About us

Ok, let’s make this clear. We’re not doctors, coaches, or pro athletes. We’re regular people with regular lives and day jobs. The articles and information we’ll be putting up here are for the same kind of person. Anyone who has plenty of stuff to do, understands that they need to move a bit and to get and stay healthy, and still needs to keep up with everything.

Most of the information in this site will be of the “I wish someone had told me this before I got started” type. No, not the kind that would have had us running (or waddling) for the hills. The kind you end up stumbling into after a lot of experimentation and research.

We check everything we’re writing up here (most of it has been tested on us) to make sure it’s safe and useful (we’re still mostly in one person-shaped piece). However, please bear in mind that we can accept no responsibility for anything that may happen as a result of your following anything we present here. Everything has some kind of risk attached.

Be careful and also exercise common sense. Don’t overdo it. Don’t damage yourself.