Tag Archives: Idea

These posts discuss concepts or other things which you should keep in mind, or at least think about.

Martial Arts Won’t Get You Stacked

One piece of news that I hate breaking to people is that joining a martial arts class won’t make them lean, mean and awesome looking. You’d think they’d figure it out by looking at me, but no. It’s something of a common misconception, and I can see where it’s coming from as most high profile martial artists have impressive physiques. Continue reading Martial Arts Won’t Get You Stacked

A pull up bar, and a new book

Obligatory warning and disclaimer: A poorly constructed pull up bar can be dangerous. We cannot accept any responsibility for any injuries or damages that may be caused by following any of the information on this page. A well constructed pull up bar can also be dangerous if you fool around with it, so be careful!

One of the things I’ve been really missing since I moved earlier this year is my pull up bar. It was just a regular in-door pull up bar, the kind you stick in a doorway, but it sure saw a lot of use.

My new place doesn’t have any doorways that can take it, or a ceiling high enough that I could mount one inside which would not end with me cracking my head. So for the last few months I just got some pull ups in whenever I could, but not being able to do them on the regular at home was bugging me some. Continue reading A pull up bar, and a new book


“Stand up straight”. You may have heard those words over and over again as a child as various people tried to push and pull you into at least giving the appearance of good breeding. While many seem to think this is just because it looks better, there are in fact several good reasons to follow this long-standing order. Continue reading Posture

On Willpower

The topic for this article was suggested by Christine C, who asked for tips on maintaining willpower in the face of tasty snacks. Thanks Christine! Here we go…

There is this thing that Matt Inman from The Oatmeal calls the blerch. You’re probably familiar with it. It’s that thing that tells you to stay in bed instead of going out for a jog, or to take just another cookie from that packet on your desk. That’s when you need to tap into your reserve of willpower and make yourself choose the option which doesn’t give you immediate gratification. Continue reading On Willpower

When trousers are more accurate than scales

Or, “How to measure progress”.

Whatever you’re doing, and whatever you’re doing it for, you need a way to measure any progress you’re making in that direction. It’s not just something you do for the sake of bookkeeping. Having a visible indication of progress  helps you stay on track, especially in times when you don’t feel you’re making any visible progress. You may not be able to tell the difference just by looking, but numbers don’t lie. Continue reading When trousers are more accurate than scales